Trading the Woodies CCI from scratch 1. Download TraderWorkStation (TWS) from IB. You can try it right away without opening an account. Just use "edemo" for the login name and "demouser" for the password. If you need detailed instructions or having problems on how to install TWS, just click here. You need to open an account to be able to get live data. 2. Download and install SierraCharts charting software. You have to pay at least 3 months subscription upfront to be able to use Sierra - the trial is useless. 3. Setup the chart as Woodie sees it. - change the background color of the chart 4. Setup Woodies CCI indicator on Sierra Two ways to do it - a. file contributed by Bob Ferraris, includes CCI, EMA, LSMA on chart b. my personal version, no need for custom dll's, pure CCI, no EMA, LSMA Note: For those using eSignal, download the CCI EFS with ZLR alerts 5. Download Hotcomm to login in to Woodies room to get more info and watch experienced traders trade live. Instructions for installation here. I'm usually there - look for dawntrader. 6. Learn the CCI setups - learn the easiest one first - the ZLR or zero line reject - more than 5 bars above 0, look for longs - more than 5 bars below 0 look for shorts - enter on rejection of 0 line near the completion of the bar - watch Nick Trader on Woodie's hotcomm 7. Simulate trade with Bracket Trader first before going live. Beginners of Woodies CCI suffer from the fact that they learn by
doing. For this reason, beginners do not even realize the required condition
associated with each set up and they lose money by blindly applying the
setups that they thought they saw, independent of current market condition. Fact: Do you know that Woodie and others in his room often trades without prices? The reason is that there will be less distractions to influence your trading. So, why not trade with the following - less things to look at, goes with the Woodie philisophy.