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You are here because of an error in loading the program.

If you are doing a fresh installation, you may need the patch from Microsoft.

If these procedures do not fix the problem, it could be a system-specific issue. You may check the Bracket Trader User's Group Discussion Forum for some solutions provided by end users who have similar problems.

MISSING Bracket Trader
Download, unzip and run this utility to fix this problem - BTRestore.exe

There are two possible sources of bugs or errors:
1. bug in Bracket Trader - occurs all the time consistently with any symbol
2. bug in TWS API - occurs with particular symbols and does not occur all the time

You can check the TWS errors in TWS_Error_Log file in the Bracket Trader directory.

This is the disclaimer from IB:
The API as a whole is still under development (beta). Bug reporting/troubleshooting is available via e-mail and this forum (phone and chat support are not available). Programming support is not available in any format from IB.