Special thanks to “George Soros” (Matt Briand) for the original example.
ESignal 7.1 example :
In order to run this example written in EFS (_Javascript-like) you need to use eSignal 7.1 because of the filesystem / backtesting new features it incorporates.
By default the file will be written in eSignal subfolder : FormulaOutput. If you want to change this go to Tools menu and choose settings and change the formula Output Root to whatever you want (for example C:\).
Or you can keep the original eSignal settings and change the path of the filename in your BTDefaults.ini in order to read the file from the default C:\Program Files\eSignal\FormulaOutput.
You can find more examples on central.esignal.com, in the Automated Trading group.
function preMain() {
setStudyTitle("MA15 under/over BT Trading System");
setCursorLabelName("MA15", 0);
// var d = new File("BracketTrader"); // You can use those lines to create a directory
// if (!d.exists()) // does directory exist?
// d.mkDir(); // Create this new directory in FormulaOutput Root
var study = new MAStudy(15, 0, "Close", MAStudy.SIMPLE); // We display a simple 15 period moving average.
var f = new File("Trading.txt"); // you can change it to whatever you want
function main() {
nYear = getValue("year");
nMonth = getValue ("month");
nDay = getValue("day");
nHour = getValue("hour");
nMinute = getValue("minute");
timestamp = (nYear*1000000000)+(nMonth*10000000)+(nDay*100000)+(nHour*1000)+(nMinute*10);
var v = study.getValue(MAStudy.MA);
if(v == null)
f.open("at+"); // Open and append
if(!f.isOpen()) {
debugPrintln("Could not open!");
if(close() >= v) {
if(!Strategy.isLong()) {
Strategy.doLong("Crossing Up", Strategy.MARKET, Strategy.THISBAR);
f.writeln("cxlplace,BUY,1,MKT,,0,"+ timestamp);
} else {
if(!Strategy.isShort()) {
Strategy.doShort("Crossing Down", Strategy.MARKET, Strategy.THISBAR);
f.writeln("cxlplace,SELL,1,MKT,,0,"+ timestamp);
if (Strategy.isLong()) {
} else if(Strategy.isShort()) {
return v;