Bracket Trader is created by the smallest of small businesses: there is just me. I wrote Bracket Trader back in 2002 for my own use in daytrading futures with Interactive Brokers. There was not much choice in frontend software for use with IB at that time, so I decided to offer the program to the world almost for free. With many feeback from traders in discussion forums and chatrooms, I added more features to Bracket Trader up to its present state, and the improvement is still ongoing. Up to now, Bracket Trader still has only one focus - to facilitate order entry and management with one broker - Interactive Brokers, so traders can concentrate on other aspects of trading.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about Bracket Trader, I'd love to hear from you. You can drop me a line at the Bracket Trader Community. One of the benefits of using software from a one-man team is that if you need technical support or just need a question answered you'll get a response straight from the top! No in-betweens. I'd also love to hear how you use Bracket Trader in your trading, and any strategies you are using with it you're willing to share. As I'm sure you know, there is always something new to learn.
Larry Sy